2022-05-13 - USA, New York City
Počet fotek: 167
New York City, cesta od hotelu do Central Parku.
New York City, Central Park West.
New York City, Central Park.
New York City, Central Park, The Stephanie and Fred Shuman Running Track.
New York City, Central Park, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir.
New York City, Central Park.
New York City, Central Park.
New York City, Central Park.
New York City, Central Park.
New York City, Central Park.
New York City, Central Park.
New York City, Central Park, The Stephanie and Fred Shuman Running Track.
New York City, Central Park, The Stephanie and Fred Shuman Running Track.
New York City.
New York City, Central Park.
New York City, Central Park.
New York City, Central Park.
New York City, Central Park, Conservatory Garden.
New York City, Central Park, Conservatory Garden.
New York City, Central Park, Conservatory Garden.
New York City, Central Park, Conservatory Garden.
New York City, Central Park, Conservatory Garden.
New York City, Central Park, Conservatory Garden.
New York City, Central Park, Conservatory Garden.
New York City, Central Park, Conservatory Garden.
New York City, Central Park.
New York City, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.
New York City, chodník u Central Parku.
New York City.
New York City, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
New York City, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
New York City, Ukrainian Institute of America.
New York City, Central Park.
New York City, Central Park, The Obelisk.
New York City, Central Park, Belvedere Castle.
New York City, Central Park, Belvedere Castle.
New York City, Central Park, The Central Park Turtle Pond.
New York City, Central Park, Kardinál červený (Cardinalis cardinalis).
New York City, metro.
New York City, metro, Columbus Circle.
New York City, metro, World Trade Center.
New York City, Ground Zero, One World Trade Center.
New York City, Ground Zero, Memorial South Pool.
New York City, Ground Zero, Memorial South Pool.
New York City, Ground Zero, Memorial South Pool.
New York City, Ground Zero, Memorial South Pool.
New York City, Ground Zero, One World Trade Center.
New York City, World Trade Center, The Oculus.
New York City, World Trade Center, The Oculus.
New York City, World Trade Center, The Oculus.
New York City, Fulton Street.
New York City, Chick-fil-A.
New York City, Ground Zero, hasičské auto.
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum.
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum.
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum.
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum.
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum.
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum.
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, opěrná zeď řeky Hudson (Slurry wall segment).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, poslední pilíř (The Last Column).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, opěrná zeď řeky Hudson (Slurry wall segment) a The Last Column.
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, část ocelové fasády Severní věže z 96. - 99 patra (Section of steel facade, North Tower, floors 96-99).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, část ocelové fasády Severní věže z 96. - 99 patra (Section of steel facade, North Tower, floors 96-99).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, pozůstatek schodiště na Vesey Street (The Survivors' Stairs).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, socha anděla vyrobená z vyřazených zbraní měla být umístěna v areálu WTC, po útocích byla umístěna před restauraci, která sloužla záchranářům.
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, základy Jižní věže (South Tower Excavateion).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, základy Jižní věže (South Tower Excavateion).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, základy Jižní věže (South Tower Excavateion).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, základy Jižní věže (South Tower Excavateion).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, základy Jižní věže (South Tower Excavateion).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, základy Jižní věže (South Tower Excavateion).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, pamětní výstava (The Memorial Exhibition).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, východní obvodová zeď (The East Perimeter Wall).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, část antény z Jižní věže (Segment of radio and television North Tower antenna).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, část antény z Jižní věže (Segment of radio and television North Tower antenna).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, část antény z Jižní věže (Segment of radio and television North Tower antenna).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, motor výtahu (Elevator motor).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, motor výtahu (Elevator motor).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, hasičské auto (New York City Fire Department Ladder Company 3 truck).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, opěrná zeď řeky Hudson (Slurry wall segment).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, poslední pilíř (The Last Column).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, ventil říčního vodovodního potrubí (River water line valve).
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, jediné dochované nerozbité okno.
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, historická výstava k 11. září 2001 (September 11, 2001 Historical Exhibition), fragment trupu letadla.
New York City, The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, historická výstava k 11. září 2001 (September 11, 2001 Historical Exhibition), fragment trupu letadla z Pentagonu.
New York City, Ground Zero, One World Trade Center.
New York City, Ground Zero, One World Trade Center.
New York City, Ground Zero, One World Trade Center.
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center.
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center.
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center, Empire State Building.
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center.
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center.
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center.
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center.
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center.
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center.
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center, Brooklynský most (Brooklyn Bridge).
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center.
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center, Ground Zero.
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center, Socha svobody (Statue of Liberty).
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center, Central Railroad of New Jersey Terminal.
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center, Jersey City.
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center, Trinity Church.
New York City, výhled z One World Trade Center.
New York City, Ground Zero, The World Trade Center Sphere.
New York City, Ground Zero, One World Trade Center.
New York City, Ground Zero.
New York City, Ground Zero.
New York City, Ground Zero, The World Trade Center Sphere.
New York City, Ground Zero, Liberty Park.
New York City, Ground Zero, Liberty Park.
New York City, Trinity Church.
New York City, Trinity Church.
New York City, Trinity Church.
New York City, Trinity Church.
New York City, Trinity Church.
New York City, Trinity Church.
New York City, Trinity Church.
New York City, Trinity Church.
New York City, Charging Bull.
New York City, National Museum of the Native American.
New York City, Starbucks, Matcha Créme.
New York City, NY Stock Exchange.
New York City, NY Stock Exchange.
New York City, socha George Washingtona před Federal Hall.
New York City.
New York City.
New York City, City Hall.
New York City, China Town.
New York City, China Town.
New York City, Little Italy.
New York City, Empire State Building z Little Italy.
New York City, SoHo.
New York City, SoHo.
New York City, SoHo.
New York City, SoHo.
New York City, SoHo.
New York City, SoHo.
New York City, SoHo.
New York City, SoHo, One World Trade Center z Green Street.
New York City, Tribeca.
New York City, Tribeca, Ghostbusters, Hook and Ladder.
New York City, Tribeca, Ghostbusters, Hook and Ladder.
New York City, Tribeca, Ghostbusters, Hook and Ladder.
New York City, Tribeca.
New York City, Tribeca, ulice Cortlandt Alley.
New York City, Tribeca, ulice Cortlandt Alley.
New York City, Grand Central Station.
New York City, Grand Central Station.
New York City, Grand Central Station.
New York City, Grand Central Station.
New York City, MetLife Building.
New York City, MetLife Building.
New York City, Chrysler Building.
New York City, Chrysler Building.
New York City, obchod Katagi Grand Central.
New York City, East 41st Street, Library Walk.
New York City, East 41st Street, Library Walk.
New York City, West 42nd Street.
New York City, Times Square.
New York City, Times Square.
New York City, demonstrace za svobodu Palestiny.
New York City, Taco Bell.
New York City, Taco Bell.
New York City, moje neamerická večeře.